måndag, november 13, 2006

..Eller kanske en rymdresa?

Jag måste bort. Åka bort. Denna märkliga människa får fullständigt brytet av närvaron av alla människor runtomkring som kryper in under skinnet på mig.
Hjärnan blir degig och
smetig innanför skallbenet.

Fly me to the moon.

Eller blås mig till Götlaännaborg.

Som tredjealternativ står Säffle.

Hjälp mig någon.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Bakom månen stod farkosten och väntade på Marshall Applewhite och hans gäng:

Whether Hale-Bopp has a "companion" or not is irrelevant from our perspective. However, its arrival is joyously very significant to us at "Heaven's Gate." The joy is that our Older Member in the Evolutionary Level Above Human (the "Kingdom of Heaven") has made it clear to us that Hale-Bopp's approach is the "marker" we've been waiting for -- the time for the arrival of the spacecraft from the Level Above Human to take us home to "Their World" -- in the literal Heavens. Our 22 years of classroom here on planet Earth is finally coming to conclusion -- "graduation" from the Human Evolutionary Level. We are happily prepared to leave "this world" and go with Ti's crew.
If you study the material on this website you will hopefully understand our joy and what our purpose here on Earth has been. You may even find your "boarding pass" to leave with us during this brief "window."

Hellfire sa...

Cool! :-)